About Us


Toronto General Hospital
Eaton Building – 8th Floor South


Phone: 416 340 3020

Referral Fax: 416 340 5020​


Visiting Hours
UHN hospitals offer flexible visiting hours. Learn more about visiting patients at UHN »











Note: Mental Health Inpatient Unit only accepts internal referrals.

Admissions to the inpatient unit are through UHN emergency departments or any UHN clinic. Any physician or nurse practitioner can refer a patient to the Eating Disorder Inpatient Treatment Program. Referrals for all other mental health issues must come from UHN physicians or nurse practitioners.

Patients may be referred to the Unit on either a voluntary and involuntary basis.


What We Do

We provide psychiatric care for patients needing immediate and intensive mental health support. Our physician-led team of mental health professionals delivers 24-hour care and includes nurses, social workers and allied health care team members. We work with patients to develop an individualized treatment plan that may include medication, counselling and therapeutic groups. Our goal is to treat a patient’s acute psychiatric symptoms, stabilize their mental health, and plan outpatient treatment to ensure mental health support after hospitalization.

Our 34-bed unit hosts adults with a range of psychiatric diagnoses that include:

  • mood, anxiety, or psychosis issues
  • eating disorders
  • substance use disorders
  • illnesses specific to the mental health of seniors

The unit is composed of a general ward and the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), a more secure area for patients who need a higher level of care and observation.​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Resources from the Patient & Family Education Program PDF Icon

Patient & Families Services

You can also find other services throughout UHN. Learn more about patient and family services available throughout UHN.​

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Our team consists of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Clinical Director: Charlene Reynolds, PT, BA, BScPT, MSc

Nurse Manager: Lisa Crawley, RN, MN, CPMHN(C)

Advanced Practice Nurse Educator: Aideen Carroll, RN, BScN, BSc, MA, CPMHN (C)

Patient Care Coordinator: Megan Smith, RN, BN, CPMHN(C)​

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