The Division of Infectious Diseases is an academic clinical division providing both general and specialized infectious diseases care for inpatients and outpatients, and has active research, educational/training and infection prevention and control and stewardship programs.

Outpatient Services

Outpatient Services

The Division of Infectious Diseases provides the following outpatient services:

General Inf​​ectious Diseases

Toronto General Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinics

  • Attending Physicians – Dr. Isaac Bogoch, Dr. Paul Bunce, Dr. Wayne Gold

Toronto Western Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinic

  • Attending Physicians – Dr. Dan Petrescu, Dr. Alon Vaisman

Subspecialty Clinics

Oncology and Transplant Infectious Diseases (TGH)
Our physicians specialize in treating infection in patients who are pre- or post-transplant and those with ventricular assist devices as well as infections in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation or CAR-T cell therapy or with hematologic malignancies and solid tumours.

Immunodeficiency (HIV) Clinic (TGH)
The immunodeficiency multidisciplinary clinic provides specialty care for persons living with HIV including physician, nursing, social work, nutrition counselling and pharmacy services. There is an opportunity for participation in clinical trials. The clinic also provides services for pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Tropical Disease Unit
The Tropical Diseases Unit provides comprehensive outpatient care of ill returned travellers and new migrants to Canada suffering from conditions including but not limited to fever after travel, animal bites, dengue fever, malaria, travel-acquired skin lesions, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever and a range of parasitic infections.

Dr. Isaac Bogoch also provides tropical diseases consultation services through his General ID clinic

Tuberculosis Clinic (TWH)
The Toronto Western Hospital Tuberculosis Clinic is a specialized clinic that assesses and treats patients with both Active TB disease and Latent TB infection.

Clostridioides difficile (CDI) Clinic (TWH)
The CDI clinic supports comprehensive assessment and management of patients with complex or recurrent C. difficile infection. Through the CDI clinic, patients may be evaluated for fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) eligibility, which is available through the Microbiota Therapeutics Outcomes Program (MTOP).

Inpatient Services

Inpatient Services

The Division of Infectious Diseases provides inpatient consultation with five academic/teaching services:

TGH General Infectious Diseases

The Toronto General Hospital's General Infectious Diseases (ID) service sees all inpatients at TGH in consultation except for those on active treatment for malignancy or those with a solid organ transplantation. This service has specific expertise in the work-up and treatment of complex cardiac infections (including device-associated infections and endocarditis), vascular graft infections and general ID issues.

TWH Infectious Diseases

The Toronto Western Hospital Infectious Diseases (ID) service will see all consultations for inpatients, regardless of patient. The TWH ID service has specific expertise in orthopedic and neurosurgical infections and infections with neurological manifestations.

Mount Sinai Infectious Diseases

The Mount Sinai General Infectious Diseases (ID) service sees all inpatients at MSH with the exception of patients transferred to the MSICU from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. The service has specific expertise in the work-up and treatment of orthopaedic infections and general ID issues.

Oncology Infectious Diseases

The Oncology Infectious Diseases (ID) service provides consultations for all inpatients at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and patients on active treatment for solid or hematological malignancies at Toronto General Hospital. Patients with malignant diseases at Mount Sinai Hospital (other than those transferred from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to the Mount Sinai ICU) are seen by the Mount Sinai Infectious Diseases Service.

Transplant Infectious Diseases

The Transplant Infectious Diseases (ID) service sees all patients with solid organ transplants admitted to Toronto General Hospital, including evaluation and management of patients in the immediate pre-transplant period.​



Division members are engaged in multiple domains of research in infectious diseases. Clinical, translational and basic research training is available across the divisions and stages/types of training. Please contact individual faculty directly.

Mechanistic and Translational Laboratory Research

Diagnostic and Biomarker Studies

Observational and Health Systems/Services Research

Clinical Trials

Training and Education

Training and Education

The UHN Division of Infectious Diseases provides training opportunities for clinical and research trainees of all levels. Formal clinical training is undertaken at the UHN in the following programs.

Medical students and Residents interested in Infectious Diseases Electives can find more information below:

Residency Training

Subspecialty Training (Fellowships)

Infection Prevention and Control Fellowships may be available; please contact individual IPAC Departments at UHN and Sinai Health for more information.

Our Team

Division Head

Team Members

  • Dr. Howard Song

  • Dr. Paul Bunce
  • Dr. Jennie Johnstone
  • Dr. Andrew Morris
  • Dr. Andrea Page

  • Dr. Anna Banerji
  • Dr. Kamran Khan
  • Dr. Malika Sharma

  • Dr. Maxime Bilick
  • Dr. Amanda Hempel
  • Dr. Dylan Kain
  • Dr. Christopher Kandel
  • Dr. Carson Lo
  • Dr. Leila Makhani
  • Dr. Dan Petrescu
  • Dr. Adrienne Showler
  • Dr. Courtney Thompson
  • Dr. Cheryl Volling
  • Dr. Edward Weiss
  • Dr. Julie Wright​​

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