

Our Vis​ion: ​A Healthier World

​Our Purpose: ​Transforming lives and communities through excellence in care, discovery and learning.​

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​To transform lives, we take bold steps. This means continuously elevating our ambitions and not settling for less when it comes to improving the lives of others and all those on TeamUHN.​

We know the road to excellence is not covered by a single plan, but a shared commitment to the betterment of all. UHN’s 2019-23 Strategic Plan is built on that shared commitment and serves as our guide for harnessing our efforts across care, research and education. This plan will help us make important choices and presents our way to a better future —​ A Healthier World for all.

Find out how we will achieve this vision through UHN’s 2019-23 Strategic Plan, built using the valued feedback of patients, families, partners and TeamUHN —​ staff, physicians, researchers, learners and volunteers.

Inside This Plan

A Message from Dr. Smith and Mr. Brian Porter​ 
Supporting Plans - Strategic plans fron across UHN​​​
strategic priorities- what UHN is focuing on for 2019-23 
measurement- How UHN is tracking its progress​​​
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